Excerpts from Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

Translated & Transcribed by Tunk.ai

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

Translator: Since the inauguration of the Prime Minister, we have been aiming for a good cycle of growth and distribution based on this new capitalism. As a result, it seems that the new economic stage, such as exceeding 600 trillion yen for the first time in the name of GDP, is definitely on the rise. In addition, investing in people is a very important position. It is an era in which each person chooses their own career from what is given to them by the company. It is an era in which each person chooses their own career. We will continue to improve the environment so that people can work with their abilities despite their age.

Fumio Kishida: 総理就任以来この新しい資本主義のもとで成長と分配の好循環を目指してきましたその結果名目GDPも初めて600兆円の大台を超えるなど新たな経済ステージへの移行の兆し確実に見えてきていますまた人への投資は大変重要な位置づけを占めていますキャリアは会社から与えられるものから一人一人が自らのキャリアを選択するこうした時代となってきました働き手が自分の意思でリスキリングを行え若い方もシニアの方も年齢にかかわらず能力を発揮して働くことができるこうした環境整備をしてまいります

Fumio Kishida: 台風第10号は既に九州に上陸し、広い範囲で大雨となっています。国民への情報提供や危険が予想される地域における事前避難の支援等に万全を期すとともに、警察、消防、自衛隊を中心に災害速報体制を保持してください。台風の影響が長引くことが予想されますので、引き続き緊張感を持って、

Translator: Typhoon No. 10 has already landed in Kyushu and has become a heavy rain in a wide range. Please maintain the emergency response system, including the police, fire department, and the Self-Defense Force, along with the support of pre-evil evacuation in areas where information and danger are expected to be provided to the public. Since the impact of the typhoon is expected to last a long time, we will continue to.

Fumio Kishida: 本日アルプス処理水の放出開始からちょうど1年を迎えました漁業を取り巻く現状について福島県漁連の野崎会長さんをはじめ関係者の皆様方から直接のお話を聞かせていただくとともにここで採れた旬の海産物もいただきまして空氷被害にも負けないこの常磐物のこの質の高さそしておいしさこういったものも実感させていただいた次第ですまた福島の漁業の復興については水揚げの回復を支援するがんばる漁業復興支援事業の継続について野崎会長さんからもご要望がありました政府としては引き続きしっかり支援をしていきたいと考えていますアルプス処理水の海洋放出についてはIAEAの評価を含め引き続き安全に実施されています今後とも国内外に向けて科学的知見に基づいて透明性高くそして分かりやすく情報発信をしていきたいと考えています

Translator: It’s been exactly a year since the start of the Alps treatment water. I would like to hear from the members of the Fukushima Prefectural Government, including Mr. Nozaki, about the current situation that the industry is going through. I would also like to hear from the members of the Fukushima Prefectural Government, including Mr. Nozaki, about the current situation that the industry is going through. I realized the high quality and the deliciousness of this fish.

In addition, regarding the reconstruction of the fishing industry in Fukushima, I received a request from President Minazaki about the continuation of the reconstruction of the fishing industry that supports the recovery of water-raising. As a staff member, I think that we want to continue to support it. Regarding the release of Alps seawater, including the IAEA evaluation, it is carried out in a continuous and safe manner. In the future, we would like to continue to provide information based on scientific knowledge f

Fumio Kishida: ガス炭素電源の拡充を成長志向型カーボン回線に導入、エンペックス構想の立ち上げなど、PXの取り組みが大きく進展したこと、本当にありがとうございます。深く評価したいと思います。PXへの取り組みは国力そのものを左右する。当社認識の下、一貫した取り組みを普段に迅速に実行していかなければなりませんその土台はこの会議でしっかり作っていただきました改めてこの2年間 日本の将来にとって重要な土台について

Translator: Thank you very much for the large-scale efforts of PX, such as the introduction of a new carbon pipeline. We have to implement it as soon as possible. The foundation of this project has been firmly established in this meeting. Thank you very much for your support in this two-year plan.

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